The Cure (Winner) | Plymouth College of Art 72hr Challenge
One man, one phone call – have you been naughty or nice? Created by Crystal Fraser, Joe Hall, Sam Mcloed, Tommy Damiral, Rhiann Gillman, Ryan Baker, Ryan May Miller
One man, one phone call – have you been naughty or nice? Created by Crystal Fraser, Joe Hall, Sam Mcloed, Tommy Damiral, Rhiann Gillman, Ryan Baker, Ryan May Miller
Mark Milsome Foundation | Bullying
Mark Milsome Foundation | Responsibility
Mark Milsome Foundation | Tired
We are very proud to announce that we have partnered with PCA and to celebrate, they decided to shoot a teaser trailer for their 72hr Film Challenge. Partnering with British Cinematographer means that their students’ films will soon be eligible to be shared on our website with the opportunity to reach a wide professional audience…
Unreal Engine is capable of bridging the gap between a director and the production team, removing the guesswork and working toward a shared vision. Learn how a director and cinematographer work together in Unreal Engine to develop the cinematic language of the film and how this leads to a more visually cohesive production from Cinematographer…
The ARRI Stage London in Uxbridge, UK is a full size state-of-the-art mixed reality studio for demo and commercial use. But what are the advantages of virtual production and what’s the technology behind it? ARRI recently spoke with project managers of mixed reality LED Volume at ARRI Stage London Tom Burford, Creative Technology and David…
Film London explain Eureca: The European Environmental Calculator
Film London’s The Grid Project keynote